Friday, 22 July 2022

Sitting in the corner gibbering quietly

I have 8 boxes packed and awaiting collection.

Cass has covid and can't collect our boxes.

Steve's in a strop as its very inconvenient of Cass to be ill!

He is very stressed and totally self centred, my girls are bending over backwards to help but nothing is good enough and I'm permanently on the verge of a panic attack.

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Cooler now

And a lot more comfortable.

Steve was out most of the day, he went to collect his prescription, I ordered it last week, it should have been ready to collect on Tuesday. It still wasn't ready this morning so Steve went across to the nearest Costa to have coffee whilst he waited for his prescription. 

He then went into town for his breakfast and then on to the view the flat we are renting for a few weeks until our flat purchase is completed.

I packed more boxes ready for them to go into storage until we move into out flat.

Saturday, 16 July 2022

It aint half hot

It's far too hot to pack, but pack I must.

Steve has decided he doesn't want to move with mismatched boxes so he bought 50 huge matching packing boxes.

I don't care, I'll pack in anything.

I just want it done and dusted.

Friday, 15 July 2022

I have lots to do.

 I have zero inclination to make a start!

I also  have very little time to achieve anything.

Steve is mainly panicking and managing to achieve nothing.

We need to be off the boat by 10th July as its going in for a survey and blacking. Steve wants to stay aboard to protect the boat from thieves but it will be in a secure compound. I can't stay aboard as the boat will need to be accessed by a ladder which neither Beano or I can manage.

I'm looking for a serviced apartment to rent until our new place is ready. Steve is going to rent a three bed house or a hot air balloon or move in with a passing mermaid! It's still under discussion.

I may have lost my marbles by the time it's all sorted!

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Next step.

 We've received and accepted an offer on the boat, we have a survey booked for it on 12 th August.

Monday, 11 July 2022


It's taken a while but Steve has finally accepted albeit reluctantly, that I cannot continue living on the boat.

I know he's desperately disappointed but he doesn't want to live alone and I wouldn't be safe on the boat.

I have suggested various places we could have moved the boat to but none have met with his approval.

Steve is going to work with Bob tomorrow, Bob rarely does hard physical labour and Steve hasn't done any for years, I think they will both be  knackered by tomorrow evening.

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Closing the curtains.

 I remembered to close the curtains last night so I didn't get woken up by Beano barking at the security patrols.  

Let's hope I can stay awake today as I slept twice yesterday during the day.

Beano is suffering in the heat, I may give him a shower today even though it's something he hates. The poor boy is so itchy that I feel it could do him some good, especially as I use a special shampoo on him.

Please don't worry, we're  looking at housing where dogs are allowed, we won't buy anything where he isn't welcome.

My daughter is having to help us, she is making phone calls and driving us around. We're very grateful as neither of us can drive now.

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Photo's today

 I have boxes to put things in, furniture to move and floors to wash, the boat is being photographed today ready to be advertised online.

I need to persuade Steve that packs of bungee cords and other gibble are not decorative and need to be put away.

Ah well, onwards and forwards.

Cleaning and scrubbing

Apologies, I attempted to delete an nasty comment yesterday and  managed to delete all the comments on my blog, I'll try not to do it again.

I've been busy cleaning and scrubbing today, the kitchen floor is a bugger to clean, in an effort to ensure it is non-slip the floor is tiled in non-slip tiles. Nice and safe but a bugger to clean.

We are viewing a property tomorrow, hopefully it will suit us, it has a beautiful garden and a meeting room.

We're bashing on with the cleaning again tomorrow and Friday,  it's exhausting especially as its so humid today.

Sunday, 3 July 2022

For Sale

The boat goes on the market tomorrow.

We had two viewings today. 

I'm looking at a flat tomorrow.

I'm knackered!

Saturday, 2 July 2022


We arrived at the marina, Steve eventually realised I needed power so he plugged us in to shore power.

We had a phone call from someone who wants to look at our boat, but I need to clean it first, they are coming over tomorrow morning!

Jennie rang to see  if I needed a lift to the supermarket, I jumped at the chance as I'm out of so many things.

I still need to clean the boat!

We've made it!

We are back in the marina, I've walked Beano, Steve has told anyone who will listen and a few who wouldn't that I'm not well and he's turning his life upside down in his efforts to help me!

Unfortunately I seem to have missed his efforts, I've asked him to plug the boat in to shore power as our alternator is buggered, but he wont. I need to start the water heater, run the washing machine and vacuum through. I can do none of these without shore power!

I think I'll go back to bed!


Friday, 1 July 2022

The time has come!

We've had a phone call from the marina manager to say we can return.

We are calling it a day and putting the boat on the market.

I need to get the boat cleaned, it's beyond me at the moment.

I'm hoping to find someone to do it but if all else fails Cass has a friend who will do it.

Ouch, I've got a stiffy

Finger that is, it's my index finger so I look like I'm admonishing someone. It would be worse if it was my middle finger. Steve...