Monday, 11 July 2022


It's taken a while but Steve has finally accepted albeit reluctantly, that I cannot continue living on the boat.

I know he's desperately disappointed but he doesn't want to live alone and I wouldn't be safe on the boat.

I have suggested various places we could have moved the boat to but none have met with his approval.

Steve is going to work with Bob tomorrow, Bob rarely does hard physical labour and Steve hasn't done any for years, I think they will both be  knackered by tomorrow evening.


Traveller said...

I haven’t been reading your blog lately, so apologies if I am late to the game.

Hope all goes well with the sale.


Ellen D. said...

Have you found a home you like yet? I hope you can get settled in a new place soon.

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...