Friday, 22 July 2022

Sitting in the corner gibbering quietly

I have 8 boxes packed and awaiting collection.

Cass has covid and can't collect our boxes.

Steve's in a strop as its very inconvenient of Cass to be ill!

He is very stressed and totally self centred, my girls are bending over backwards to help but nothing is good enough and I'm permanently on the verge of a panic attack.


Catriona said...

Sorry to hear that Cass has Covid-hope it’s a mild dose. Hope you can stay calm and go on with the packing despite Steve not thinking about anyone but himself. Catriona

flis said...

I'm sorry about you having to deal with the situation-I think I can understand it a little and I haven't even got the upheaval of moving-My beloved is over reacting this week to one broken plate-and today a buzzing noise coming from a flask etc etc-It Is Very draining-Luckily I can recover as he spends much of the day in bed-I hope you will find your life easier soon x

Anonymous said...

Oh Hester. An anonymous comment from someone who never comments on any blogs, but regularly reads and sympathises with your adventures. All I can say is 'This too shall pass'. You are completely making sensible life choices right now, as hard as they are. Stay strong for a little longer, you're nearly there. Good luck x

Lynn Marie said...

Oh sweetie. I wish I were there to give you a hug and more importantly take over whatever Cass can't do for the moment. It will get better than this. I know you already know that, but it can be hard to remember at times like this.

spookyjdriver said...

Hiya Sue, I’m I sorry things are difficult for you and that Steve is not helping matters. I can really understand that he is not in control anymore but hope you can hold on until you’re on dry land. You have worked brilliantly on the boat and moving so regularly is very difficult and hard work. As I know from experience.( it’s always your fault if something does not go right lol)
I hope your next chapter in your life with be easier and happier.
Take care, love Sylvia

Marjorie said...

hugs and quick healing wishes for Cass. Hugs for you too. I wish I could help but I live in the middle of nowhere in Northern Canada and we are haying right now. Hugs.

Unknown said...

I feel for you. We moved a year ago and by the time it was over I could have brained my OH and put him in a packing box.

He kept telling me what to do and how to do it while insisting "there's plenty of time". He was still packing the contents of the garage as the removal men arrived. The boxes I'd packed-about 3/4 of the total- were neatly stacked and labelled. Everything went into store for six months and he kept wondering what he'd done with various tools etc.Since we finally moved he's still looking for things. Never again!

Ellen D. said...

Hope Cass feels better soon. Hope things calm down for you soon.

Beacee said...

Sending hugs and healing wishes xxxx

Sue said...

I really feel for you at the moment. Is there a local 'man with a van' who could come and pick up the boxes for you and deliver them to their destination, it would be worth paying just to make space and literally 'get things moving'.

Chris said...

Hang in there. Hopefully this will be your last move.

lindsey said...

Oh, poor you. Moving is a nightmare at the best of times. Good luck with the rest of this move x

Witch Hazel said...

How is it going, Sue?

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...