Friday, 15 July 2022

I have lots to do.

 I have zero inclination to make a start!

I also  have very little time to achieve anything.

Steve is mainly panicking and managing to achieve nothing.

We need to be off the boat by 10th July as its going in for a survey and blacking. Steve wants to stay aboard to protect the boat from thieves but it will be in a secure compound. I can't stay aboard as the boat will need to be accessed by a ladder which neither Beano or I can manage.

I'm looking for a serviced apartment to rent until our new place is ready. Steve is going to rent a three bed house or a hot air balloon or move in with a passing mermaid! It's still under discussion.

I may have lost my marbles by the time it's all sorted!


JanF said...

After this is over you will find life so much easier. You are so strong and always maintain your sense of humor. Sending you all good wishes,

Unknown said...

Hester, I've followed your blog for years I wish you the very best and will be sending many, many positive thoughts your way!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...