Thursday, 28 July 2022

Packing, packing

 And yet more packing.


Sue said...

It feels never ending doesn't it. You don't realise how much stuff you have until you have to start packing it into boxes do you. Three moves in one year showed me exactly how much 'stuff' I have ... far too much even after lots of decluttering.

Ellen D. said...

You had lots of nooks and crannies to store stuff in your narrow boat! Hope you will be settled soon and can relax a bit!

Catriona said...

I keep decluttering in the hope that I can minimise what we need except for craft materials which are in every room in the house! Catriona

lindsey said...

Don’t forget to have a medicinal vino collapso every now and then. And remember that this, too, will come to an end x

lindsey said...

I’ve just been thinking about you (Tuesday) and hoping that you are ok. Good luck!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...