It's far too hot to pack, but pack I must.
Steve has decided he doesn't want to move with mismatched boxes so he bought 50 huge matching packing boxes.
I don't care, I'll pack in anything.
I just want it done and dusted.
We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...
It's much, much too hot to be packing especially in the confines of a narrow boat, I really do feel for you. Is it possible to get Steve to pack up his own things .... or is that a REALLY bad idea!
My son moved on Friday and the heat was bad enough then. I really don't envy you packing in this heat. Take plenty of refreshment breaks.
50 HUGE boxes??? for the contents of a boat? And the trouble with huge boxes is that they can be too heavy to lift once filled. Where are you storing these boxes once filled? I really don't envy you - and hope you have some help.
What a huge relief it will be to have this over. Wishing you a cool breeze and lots of patience.
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