Friday, 2 December 2022

And we're in!

Bob arrived with his camper van just after 9 o'clock he did two trips for us and then had to go to work but he worked really hard. This was good as Steve was struggling a bit, the first trip was ok but he really struggled with the second one.

Bob was very complimentary about our new home, despite Steve complaining about it!

We have a bay window overlooking the garden  which is lovely, it's nicely planted and well kept.

We've unpacked about 75% of our boxes, I'll unpack a couple more boxes once Steve's gone to bed and the rest I'll do in the morning before he gets up.

I know I shall change things around as I get used to living in a smaller area although it's a lot bigger than the boat.

I'll post some pics tomorrow or the day after.


maureenlthompson said...

So happy you are finally all moved in.

su-zee said...

So pleased you are finally in. Moving house is hell but now you can just relax and enjoy your new home.

Tracy said...

Excellent! Time for a well-earned cuppa.

Hazel said...

Hope you will be very happy in your new home x

Kathy said...

Wonderful news, hope you are very happy in your new home, take your time to settle in.

Country Cottage said...

Congratulations on your new home. How lovely to be in before Christmas and a chance to start a new chapter in your lives for 2023. x

Winters End Rambler said...

Many congratulations x

Col said...

YAY! You're finally in your own place on dry land again!
Get an early night, hopefully this is the start of a more relaxed life style, so you may as well start tonight!
Beano will probably be tired too, so take advantage of that, and try to get a decent night's sleep, both yours and Steve's tiredness might help you with that! If you've got any Lavender essential oil, rub just a couple of drops into the soles of your feet, it works wonders!
Enjoy your first breakfast in your new abode tomorrow! X

Bonnie said...

So happy for you. Hope you’ll both feel at home soon.
Bonnie in Minneapolis

Jennyff said...

You made it, you are home

Ellen D. said...

How exciting! Hope you are safe and happy in your new home.

Poppy and Me said...

So happy you are in your own place at last. I'm sure life will be easier for you all. love and hugs fromVal

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I wish you only the best on this new adventure!

Marjorie said...

Wonderful you three are moved in. I hope for all the best for you. Hugs.

Catriona said...

So pleased to hear this news! I hope you will be very happy in your new home. Catriona

Margaret said...

So happy for you. I hope you will soon be completely unpacked and feel settled. A new adventure begins!

Susan Heather said...

So pleased to hear you are finally in your new home. I hope you will be very happy there. Hugs from New Zealand.

Carol Caldwell said...

So happy for you that you are at last in your new home. I hope you are soon settled in and can begin to relax a bit.

Unknown said...

So pleased for you. I hope you will very happy in your new home.

keth said...

congratulations for having moved in! hope you settle in well and happily. :) xx

Hazel WItchHazel said...

Oh that's such good news!

How did Steve;s "travell light" packing go in the end?

ourhouse sounds lovely, and you'll have it feeling like home in no time. I hope this is the start of a more sociable life for you.

All the best
Hazel (WitchHazel)

VC said...

Brilliant news. There is no rush to get unpacked, take your time and do it at your own pace. Wishing you very happy and snug in your new home!

Patricia Allen said...

Having moved lots of times |I know the upheaval but having followed the "will we , won@t we" it is good to see you have finally arrived. Take care and keep safe. Pat Allen

Rambler said...

Yippeeeee!!!! So glad that Bob remembered and that he got quite a lot done in the time he had. You're in - unpacking and sorting out can be done at your own pace now. Wishing you a much more peaceful and social lifestyle from now on. Looking forward to the photos and hoping you can continue your blog. I reckon you will have plenty of topics from now on - dog walks, finding routes to the shops, doctors, summer in the garden, etc. as well as your regular cooking recipes. Happy days!
Rosemary xx

Jaccs said...

Cheers to your new home,may it be a safe haven for you to relax and Steve to be less anxiety ridden!!

Debby said...

Cannot wait to see your new digs! I hope this is the beginning of a new chapter for you.

flis said...

I hope you will be very happy in your new home and life will be much easier and that you can have more time for relaxation x

Barbara Anne said...

What good news!! So happy you and Steve are finally in your new flat, near family and friends, and are able to settle in and feather your nest before winter arrives.


ShellyC said...

Congratulations, hope Beano settles in with you

Sue said...

Congratulations. You'll be all settled well before Christmas and will able to join in with whatever celebrations or get-togethers are organised. It's a really good time of year to be able to get to know your new neighbours.

Anonymous said...

Congrats !!!! I hope you will be comfortable in your new flat, nearer to family & friends and much easier to manage at this point. Merry Christmas in your new flat !!!
Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

kate steeper said...

build yourself a box fort and hide and relax rush for anything

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...