Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Beano goes to the vet

Beano visited the vet yesterday as he has a sore on his foot. We saw a lovely vet with blue and green hair. Beano, of course made a huge fuss, especially when the vet trimmed the fur on his foot. Fortunately Jennie came with me as I was struggling to hold Beano still.

The vet cleaned his foot, gave him two injections and two packets of pills. Getting him to take them will be fun!

I shall make Beano wear a shoe when I take him out for walks today. The problem with his foot started because our car park was gritted and the salt got into his foot. Living on a boat meant he'd not encountered gritted pavements before, I shall be more careful in future.


Sue said...

We push pills into little squares of cheese, it works every time. If that fails a tiny amount of peanut butter around the pill makes it palatable to most dogs ... but of course there are always exception to the rule, we had a collie that would suck the food of the tablets and leave them in the strangest of places! I think I hoovered up more than she took.

Ellen D. said...

Hope Beano's paw heals up quickly. Happy Holidays to you!

Beth Waltz said...

Tucking the pill into a small chunk of cheap luncheon meat might work, the smellier the better. You have my sympathy. One family cat did an "alligator roll" that defeated all efforts to give pills, so that we had an apothecary make up the pills in a liquid version that could be rubbed inside her ears.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.