Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Settling in.

We're getting sorted slowly and are down to the last couple of boxes. These have Steve's name on them but if I don't want to be tripping over them into next year I decided I may as well get them unpacked.

Y'day afternoon I saw people gathering in the summer house so I wandered over to introduce my self. It seems they meet most weekday afternoons for a chat and a cuppa. I was made welcome and shall go again.

The rule for pets here is that if you've already got a pet you can bring it with you but you cannot get a new pet once you have moved in. So Beano is ok, he's met a few of the neighbours and so far has been a hit with them. There is a lady with two Bichons and I've seen a beautiful black and white cat in the garden, it looks like Jess from Postman Pat.

I'm making a list of things need, picture hooks come to mind so far. We need to buy blinds for the window as the current curtains cut the bay window off from the rest of the room. Steve wants to buy a unit to keep all his gibble in, I've told him he cannot fill the bay window up otherwise we will look like Steptoe 's junk yard.

Steve is still not happy and moans constantly but then he used to moan and complain when we were on the boat


Col said...

Good that you'll have people to chat to in the summerhouse!
I take it that Steve's 'gibble' is what I'd call 'stuff', 'garbage', 'bits and bobs', or 'crap'!
It'll take a bit of time to get it all sorted out, but it'll be 'home' in next to no time. Stand your ground with Steve and his 'gibble' though, the living room must not be filled with crap, it's supposed to be a relaxing area, not Steptoe's Yard! Do you remember the road where Steptoe's yard was? It was in Oil Drum Lane! I didn't know I remembered that until it just popped into my head!
Steve would moan and grizzle no matter where he was, it's the way his personality is since his stroke, just do your best to ignore him, or now that you have the luxury of proper 'rooms', escape to one that he's not in for a while!
Hopefully Steve will meet some men to talk to, even if they are all 'idiots'!
You need to get your grandchildren in there for a few hours, that'll make it feel more like home, and you might even appreciate the quiet when they went home too! X

Unknown said...

Can you make some of Steves junk go missing? LOL
Being from the USA I don't understand what the summer house is, is it like a community meeting area? It sounds nice, like if you want to be alone, stay home but if you want a bit of company go to the summer house.
From your pictures it sounds like you have a nice place and I hope you will be very happy there,
I love Beano, he is so cute!

Ellen D. said...

I am so glad there are friendly people meeting in the summer house to visit with. It looks like a really nice area to live and I hope you are very happy there!

Chris said...

Things seem to be on the up and up for you and Steve. Long may it last! It looks like a very inviting area.

My Piece of Earth said...

It sounds as if you have met some very nice people to chat to whenever you want, that is nice. It will likely take both of you to "settle" to your new home, Steve a bit longer but home he will get there eventually.

flis said...

Someone here moans,groans and stomps all day-I think for attention - For my own health now I do my best to ignore it and busy myself somewhere ,anywhere x

Marlane said...

I am so glad that you have the chance to socialize right there where you live.

Siebrie said...

A childhood friend's house also had a curtain cutting of the bay window, making the room square and smaller. They only had the 1 gas heater in the house, so it saved on heating costs!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...