Friday, 6 December 2024

Another Christmas treat.

I ordered and received a box of violet creams, yummy. Another treat to add to my Christmas stash. I've also ordered a cheese selection and some crackers.

I then met my son and had breakfast at a local cafe and he's arranged to see me again in a couple of weeks. 

 The following day  I was out with Betty, shopping at Asda. I bought mainly vegetables as I'm not keen on buying them online. I prefer to choose what I'm getting.

Today Steve is going out and meeting Bob so I will watch a seasonal film on tv, there is a Grand Prix on again this weekend so Steve will watch that.

I'll take my hearing aids out for the duration of the qually's and the race as I find the noise of the cars going round the track irritating. It also means I don't have to listen to Steve shouting and swearing with excitement.


Rambler said...

You'll have loved the Grand Prix from Las Vegas, then - so very noisy and OTT. Even I had to turn the sound down! Enjoy your quiet time with your Christmas film and no Steve.

Anonymous said...

Don't the next door neighbours complain about the Grand Prix noise on the t.v. together with the racket from ' toddler ' Steve?. I hope you can manage to muffle his noise out. Does he do all these things to get attention? And has he always been horrible, just worse with age, alcohol problems and health issues?

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...