Sunday, 8 December 2024

Stormy weather

I cleared the path of twigs and branches when Beano went out first thing.

I cleared it again when we went out for his second walk.

I'm still clearing it three times a day to make it easier for my neighbours to negotiate.

Steve is watching the the Grand Prix and shouting, I'm watching the Star Wars trilogy with subtitles and in silence!

I have a piece of lamb cooking, I'll do the potatoes and other veg later. The lamb is a boned breast and will take three hours to cook, according to the instructions on the label. I'll do carrots and cabbage with it

I've told Steve it will be ready at 5 o'clock, that way he won't keep asking me every ten minutes "it it ready yet?"

 if Steve complains again today I shan't cook again!


Carol Caldwell said...

Hope you enjoy your lamb anyway.

Rambler said...

Please don't deny yourself a healthy, tasty meal. You can reheat the other portion for your dinner the next day; Steve would probably prefer a sandwich/ cheese on toast/ one of his air fryer meals anyway and could manage that himself. I watched the Grand Prix and I can understand why Steve got het up; some weird decisions being made!

Linda said...

Yes you will! LOL.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...