Friday, 20 December 2024

It's not a secret.

Y'day while Steve was out with his friend Bob, Betty phoned and asked if I'd like to go and get the cheap vegetables from the nearby supermarket.

I jumped at the chance, it's not far to the supermarket but lugging a load of heavy stuff home, even with the trolley is hard work.

It meant leaving Beano alone but I wasn't going to be long.

When Steve returned home he was full of all he'd done whilst out with Bob.

I tried a few times to tell him I'd been shopping and spent a whole £5.56 but I couldn't get a word in edgeways. Then he announced that his ears were sore and he was taking his deaf aids out. At that point I gave up.

This morning our supermarket delivery arrived, Steve puts it all on our bed, he puts away his food and beer, I put away the fruit and veg I've bought along with things like tea, coffee butter and cheese.

I got out all the veg I bought y'day  and wiped out the fridge, I re-lined the fridge drawer and  then I sorted the veg from y'day and today and put it all away. Steve wandered in and out the kitchen but didn't seem to notice there was more veg than he ordered.

He only eats potatoes and mushrooms so I don't think the green stuff registered with him


Nelliegrace said...

How kind of your neighbour to offer to take you shopping. It is so much less stressful having someone with you, even if it is just a supermarket shop.
I am glad that Beano coped in your brief absence, and that you got home safely.
The vegetables were a bargain, well done. I paid full price for broccoli on Wednesday! We heard that the local Aldi looked as if locusts had struck yesterday.
We are going to Aldi first thing on Monday morning, armed with an organised list. No dawdling in the middle aisles. With luck we will be home by 0800hrs.
Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year,

Cardinal Wolsey said...

Merry Christibode to you and to Beano, ma'am, and a happy(ier) New Year too.

I was surprised when I went in to revise my delivery order yesterday that some of the vegetables had been reduced to 8p - all most odd, but also most welcome. I spent the difference on silly seaonal things! Now, so long as the delivery arrives... Well I remember the year when they got it wrong and delivered me one single Brussels Sprout, carefully bagged and labelled and price 4p... Mind you, I cooked it and enjoyed it, even if I could have done with fifty more!

flis said...

I chat less and less now to mine about things - He interrupts me constantly - even when I am in conversation with family about serious matters - He is insistent of being the centre of attention - I wondered if it was the start of health problems - but his mother was the same - Infuriating and childish -I just try to busy myself with what matters to me - Waste of energy hoping to change him - Continue to focus on yourself and Beano xx

Anonymous said...

I was lucky, my husband and I chatted back and forth from the day we met until he died. The last thing he said to me was, I worry about you, I love you. I told him not to worry, that I would be alright and that I love him too. Gigi

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...