Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Food pantry

I've joined the local food pantry and today I visited for the first time. My daughter took me as it was my first visit and I was worried about managing as it was dark when we got there. Now I've been once I'll be ok.

I paid £5 for £20 of food, I got an assortment of tins, some tea, cheese, butter, stock cubes, mince pies and a slab of fruit cake, best of all I got a cauliflower and two sprigs of rosemary.  I shall cheat with the rosemary and use it as a Christmas decoration.

On 19th Aldi have their veg at 15p I shall buy a selection, this, with the tinned kidney beans, black beans and tomatoes will make some lovely casseroles.


Sue said...

That sounds like a really good deal. Food pantries are brilliant organisations aren't they, they prevent so much good food from going to waste.

Rambler said...

So glad you've joined the Food Pantry and that your daughter went along with you. Some lovely bargains you bought! So much for the nay-sayers who told you not to go. Idiots! You did well to ignore them.

Nelliegrace said...

Well done. Enjoy your good meals.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...