Friday, 6 December 2024

Steve's bought a new phone

This is a crisis!

Steve's bought a new phone!

So far Steve's managed to lock us out of Amazon and Tesco because he couldn't remember the passwords and so he changed them and then forgot what he changed them to!

As he doesn't access either website from his phone I have no idea what he was trying to do.

I went to the summer house as soon as he started fiddling with his new phone. His friend Bob came home with him to try and help but he eventually gave up and went home. 

I have a standard response to any tech question Steve might ask me. It's " I don't know"!

I used to be quite good at managing phones and computers but that was when I could still see.I

Steve will ask me questions and tell me I'm wrong even when I'm correct.


flis said...

Yes it's best to ignore them when they act ridiculous - I find it difficult because by nature I try to help and get to the bottom of things - This infuriates him - and I get the ranting fired at me more - I now realise he is his mother's double - the nicer you are to them the worse they are - Ignore ignore ignore - but after a few home truths - Be strong and nurture Yourself x

Siebrie said...

If/when you do manage to get the logins corrected, don't share them with Steve!

Corinne said...

Could you set up your own Amazon account and leave the old one for him to sort out?

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...