Wednesday, 3 September 2014

What else would you do, but

Yesterday I took up two pairs of work trousers for my L&M, I used my sewing machine as the trousers are black combat style. I set the machine up on the kitchen table, it was already threaded with white thread. I was going to re-thread it with black thread when I realised that I wasn't going to be able to thread the machine in poor light. I left the white thread in and went over it with a black sharpie pen, oh the shame! But needs must.

Work is very busy, usual thing with a new intake of NQT's there's always a couple who think 'admin team' means personal slave but most of them seem nice enough.

I'm making more jam & vodka after work today, and I'll do some more on my quilt, my new rotary cutter arrived yesterday, I'll post pics this evening of my new project.


Linda Metcalf said...

Can't wait to see the pics....I need to get my machine out and get busy. Any dresses yet?

veeknits19 said...

What a good idea with the thread, it's so frustrating threading up the machine, or not gettting it threaded up as is often the case! Hope the NQTs soon learn to mind their Ps & Qs and to appreciate those who are there to help them, if only they play their part in getting timings of requests & size of orders right. Vee x

rabbitquilter said...

I think you would be better taking the Vodka to work!! Stress relief!!! X

KittyKittyWeaselFish said...

Oh my word...white thread and a black sharpie...that is sheer brilliance! I take my hat off to you! (and will remember that little "life hack" for later)

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...