Thursday, 11 June 2015

Shopping updated with prices

I've made a supermarket shopping list, it comes to about £30 and a shopping list for the butchers which comes to a bit (lot) more. My freezer is nearly empty (I have been working towards emptying it) in fact today for tea we had lamb koftas with chips & beans to get rid of some more things. I do have some frozen fish in the freezer and some cooked sliced turkey, but that is it. Tomorrow when I get in from work I shall clean the freezer drawers ready for refilling.
This will see us through a month or so with occasional purchases of milk, bread and fruit. We won't be buying much veg as we has stuff growing in the garden, carrot and cabbage to start with.

Peppered Steak x 4 £7.98
Pork chops x 4 £8.57
Sausages x 12 £5.98
Lambs liver x 10 slices £2.11
Beefburgers x 6 £3.60
Lamb shanks x 2 £7.98
Minced beef x 1kl £2.20
Gammon joint £5.99
Chicken thighs x 1kl £3.95
Chicken wings x 1kl £1.69
Smoked haddock x 4 £3.50

Butter x 2 £0.88
Baking parchment £2
Muesli £2.00
Part baked baguettes £0.45
Vinegar x £0.39
Cocoa £1.99
Icing sugar £1.55
Granulated sugar £0.59
Milk £1
Oven chips £1.50
Sliced bread x 2 £1.50
Houmous £1.30
Hot dogs £2
Cheese asst £6.00
SR Flour £0.45


50 and counting said...

Wow. Food prices are so much lower in the UK.

For roughly $45 there is no way I could get half of that.

TrishWish said...

All the advice TV programmes say food costs in the UK are reducing by around 5% and you can keep your bill down by careful shopping and using the budget ranges. What annoys is branded goods which sometimes are on offer, sometimes not, and if you lose concentration you pay twice as much! Well done on planning and budgeting for this month!

Anonymous said...

50 and counting, she wasn't including the meat in that total !

Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto - I only have the freezer over my fridge but it's quite a good size (especially for just one person) but I have been doing my best to get through everything - should be pretty much done within the next two weeks. I want to do a good clean out and then star to restock. For me it's mostly chicken, steak and fish (trying to watch the calories so doing without the bacon and sausages over the summer). I also try to freeze a lot of berries to use over the winter so I'll start to do that as well.
Meat and especially fish isn't cheap here but it's all relative - I'm just back from a week in Iceland and I was shocked at the cost of food - especially grains, cereals, pasta, meat (other than lamb) and fruit & veg! At least 2 to 3 times what I would pay (and sometimes even more) since so much has to be imported. The only items that were cheaper were, milk, butter, local cheese and eggs (they have a good dairy industry). I'm feeling very grateful for all the fruit & veg I have access to here!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...