Sunday, 4 June 2017

Cheap and tasty

I bought 4 chicken thighs yesterday, they were £1.49.

I boned them, rolled them up and sprinkled them with rosemary, oregano and garlic, then I roasted them.

I have a cupboard full of tinned food left from when we brought the boat back from Crick.

So I used a tin of new potatoes, 35p, I rinsed them well and put them on a tray with a little oil.

I put them in the oven along with the chicken thighs and also a lidded pot of frozen vegetables.

I made gravy with the strained juices from the chicken.

CHS & I had a thigh each, there is another one with the potatoes, veg and gravy for his lunch tomorrow and the last one will be sliced when it is cool and will go in my sandwiches for lunch.

I forgot to put the veg in before I took the pic.


markdebby said...

Good bargain.

galant said...

A lovely and inexpensive meal. Well done, you!
Margaret P

Being careful.

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