Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Only I

Could go on a helmsman's course to enable me to safely steer the boat an end up involved in a police chase!

We were on a wide beam, isn't she beautiful.

We were practising turning the boat around when we noticed two men running through the gardens of the houses that back on to the river.

One of the men jumped into the water and started to swim towards the boat, we cut the engine to be safe but he changed his mind and headed to the opposite bank

The other man was attacked by a dog in one of the gardens so he also jumped into the water but he held on to the bank as he didn't seem to be able to swim.

Our instructor phoned the police who were already nearby as they had been called to a burglary.

We collected the police from one side of the river and ferried them across to the other side so the could catch the one that got away.

When asked for a description we said he was a heavily built man wearing jeans and a red tee shirt and he was wet through!

Once he was caught we ferried the police officers back to the other side of the river so they could meet up with their colleagues.

All very exciting and gave me lots of practise at turning the boat around.


Hettybaker said...

Follow that boat !!

galant said...

Who would've thought life on a boat could be so exciting!
Full speed ahead, Cap'n!
Margaret P

Anonymous said...

Had to read the story to my husband. How exciting. Glad you were able to provide such good assistance to the police. Ana USA

Rambler said...

Glad to see that you managed against all the odds to actually take the Helmsman's course - and who'd a thought it would turn into a police chase? Hope you were awarded a special credit for being a Good Citizen! You did pass, didn't you? Lol, lol.

Bonnie said...

It could only happen to you chuck 😂

Sals View said...

How exciting, it could only happen to you!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Hilarious and exciting. Best form of training is being thrown in at the deep end!

justjill said...

Exciting. You couldnt possibly imagine that would happen. Plenty practice for you!

Col said...

It sounds a bit like a plot for a 'Carry On' film!
All good manouvering practice though!

Anonymous said...

You're like Kate Adie....wherever you go there's trouble!

Winters End Rambler said...

So much for messing about on the river! x

The Weaver of Grass said...

No Police siren to liven things up a bit!?

saraband said...

You couldn't make it up!

Hard up Hester said...

Thank you for all your comments, it certainly added a level of entertainment to the course. I now have a tificate, to prove I'm a helmsman!

Highly recommended.

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