Friday, 19 October 2018

Another update

Another scan yesterday, it looks good.
He is still wobbly and having balance problems.
I'm to shower him today when I visit.
Yesterday I took one of the DGS's in to see him, they did each other good. 
DGS is a worrier so seeing his grandpa talking, albeit laying down, has put his mind at rest.


Col said...

A bit of good news, CHS will probably feel better when he's had his shower too, although you're not to get up to any monkey business while you're helping him!
As for you, be very careful if you're on the boat alone, don't try to tackle anything you're not sure you can easily manage.
Hoping for CHS's continued recovery. X

Rambler said...

What Col said! Also, I hope common sense prevails at your present mooring and you won't be asked to do the impossible because of rules and regulations.

Anonymous said...

Hester, a bit of good news. As others have said, please take care of yourself especially if you are on the boat alone, and I am sure seeing DGS cheered your CHS up

Best wishes to you both

Ree x

WendyT said...

So glad that your DGS got to see for himself that CHS is alright to a certain extent. I hope he continues to improve, oh yes inform the people where you're moored about the situation with hubby. Take care xx

Linda Metcalf said...

Wishing CHS all the best....

Eilidh said...

So pleased things are looking positive :)

Debdor said...

Hope CHS is up and about soon - but taking it steady...

Margie from Toronto said...

Good news - just remember to take care of yourself as well.

Theresa Y said...

Been away from my computer. So sorry to hear about CHS. But very happy to hear he's responding so well to treatment. Prayers and hugs to you both.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Just catching up on my blogs so sorry to hear about CHS but please he's responding well to treatment. Look after yoitself too.

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs. An awesome recovery from stroke is possible, so I'm sending all the good vibes I can. Father had a v v v v serious stroke in 1990, and look what he got up to after that! I hope CHS does better. And CHS has you on his side, and that's a big deal. Also, take care of yourself. LM x

Anonymous said...

Kids are more sensitive than we give them credit for.

Please take care of yourself too.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Good, things seem to be going in the right direction.

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

Small steps but in the right direction. Don't forget you need to be taking care of you, for when he comes home.

justjill said...

Do hope you can continue on your boat, and CHS gets back on form.

Anonymous said...

Sending you and CHS love and good wishes from a long time lurker.
OH had several TIAs a couple of years back, the physical recovery seemed a lot faster than the psychological one. His mental capacity was technically completely fine, but his confidence took a real knock. Remember to take care of you too, hope your new boat dreams still come true. xx

Dog Lover said...

Kia kaha (Be strong/Strength to you)
Fiona New Zealand

WendyT said...

Lovely to be getting regular updates. Let's hope he gets more sleep in the side ward, lack of sleep can hinder the recovery. We are all thinking about you CHS and take care Hester xx

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...