Saturday, 27 October 2018

Change of name

Wean, CHS stands for Captain Hot Stuff. I nicknamed my beloved this when we moved on to the boat. I spend the day layered up and looking like the Michelin man, my beloved, on the other hand is wandering around wearing just his underkeks complaint that he is sweating cobs.

The tables have now turned, not sure if it's the medication, the result of the stroke or because he's not moving about so much. But the log burner is stacked high, my beloved is layered up and I'm wearing a top and leggings, just one top, not the three or four I usually wear.


The Weaver of Grass said...

I am finding that the sun is shining in here and the bungalow is quite warm. Outside is a quite a different story. Hope your man is improving now he is home.

Catriona said...

Glad CHS is home and I think you are right about the medication. My father, who had always been like your husband, nearly had us all melted after he went onto blood thinners after his heart attack.

Joan (Devon) said...

I'm glad CHS is home and recovering well. I'm on blood thinners too (Aspirin) and am always cold. Usually I wear a fleece inside even during the summer but, I hasten to add, not during the last hot summer, I did feel the heat then and stayed inside.

justjill said...

Glad he is back hot or not!

Margie from Toronto said...

So glad to hear that he is home - it must be a relief to you all. I suspect it is a combination of meds and perhaps a bit of the shock at what has happened. Hopefully it will resolve itself in time. Good luck to you both.

kelley said...

if he's only blood thinners prepare for burning up from here on in...he'll never get warm...I used to wear shorts and a tank top when visiting my elderly parents year glad he's home with you...

Jackie said...

Happy to read the CHS is home.

WendyT said...

Glad to hear the Captain is back in board xx

Sue said...

Glad he's back, hot or cold it's best to be home.

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending good vibes. Father always felt the cold after his stroke, so you may finally get warm! Take care of yourself.
LM x

Anonymous said...

I suspect the meds - people on blood thinners often feel the cold even if they didn't before.

My other-half developed a auto-immune disorder early last year called ITP where the body can't maintain its blood platelet levels (platelets are the sticky bits that hold the blood together & let it clot when you injure yourself). It's incurable but he's been in remission for the last year (hopefully for the long term but you never can tell!) but now really feels the cold as his blood just isn't the same anymore as although his platelet count is in the 'safe zone' it's obviously affected long term :(

Funny stuff blood!

Paris and Pueblo said...

Glad he is home! Friends call our home "the meat locker" as we really keep temps down. My partner would wear shorts and tshirts all year round if possible. I tend toward feeling more cold (Reynaud's Syndrome) so have gloves that have open fingers (feel very Victorian when I wear them), socks and have a lap blanket when I sit down. Take care of yourself as well as your man!

kate steeper said...

The freezing will pass Mr BH had it for a few months after his event, its the medication , now hes shirt off and short wearing when its freezing but he gets random cold days now and again and his feet are always freezing...who knows

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to send best wishes to you both. Treat yourself to a little something if you can ( chocolate ? / a large gin ? ) as I am sure you are running yourself ragged. Hope CHS is managing, very hard when your DH is ill. Hope you are in a nice , safe mooring and are both tucked up comfortably in this weather.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...