Wednesday, 17 October 2018


CHS had a Ischaemic stroke this morning at 7:20, he was at work and someone found him immediately.
They phoned me and also phoned for an ambulance.
He was in A&E by 9:15, he had a brain scan and because he was within the 4 hour window he was then given alteplase.

I stayed with him until he was admitted to the ward and went back to see him this evening.
Because of the speed of his treatment the prognosis is good, he has full  use of all his limbs and there is no slurring of his words.

He is having another scan tomorrow, I will update my blog with the results.

Thank you all for your kind words and healing thoughts and prayers.


50 and counting said...

Good Vibes to both of you!

Remember to look after yourself because, you'll be busy once he comes home.

kelley said...

Hugs and best lucky he was found so quickly...hoping a speedy recovery is on the horizon...

Jeannieuk said...

Stay strong, the prognosis is good. First and foremost, look after you. You’ve had a huge shock and you need to nurture yourself ready to cope with the next few weeks. Hugs xx

maureenlthompson said...

Good to hear this, hope the recovery is quick.

Sooze said...

Thank you for the update at such a worrying time for you. It's good that he was found and taken to hospital in such a short time, and has full use of his limbs and no slurring.

Barbara Anne said...

What wonderful news! Am so happy to hear that the timely medicine could make such a positive difference. Thanks be to God!

Be good to you.


Janice said...

Such good news. The 4 hour window is so critical. I'm sure it was somewhat of a relief for you that he is recovering well. Take care.

Pam Monks said...

I am so happy to read your update. I hope the good news continues. My husband had a serious stroke four years ago. He did get the clot busting drug within the time frame but it did not work as well as the doctors hoped and he has been left quite disabled. His left side is affected so his speech is ok. He works hard on his exercises and has made great improvements but he needs to rely on me for most of things. When I first read you news all I could think was there is no way he could even get on a boat. Good luck with a continued recovery.

kate steeper said...

hes in the best place at the moment , do not panic take a deep breath and find a long term mooring , he will be driving you mad at home in no time .

Winters End Rambler said...

All the best then x

Eilidh said...

So relieved to hear things are going okay. x

Sheila said...

Good news.

Emmbee said...

Good to hear. Thinking of you both.

WendyT said...

That's good news, fingers crossed for a full recovery, CHS you behave and do as you're told xx

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

Well done to whoever found him and the nhs. Take care of you now. Thank you for the update.

Beacee said...

Glad it's looking good. Love and prayers x

Margie from Toronto said...

So pleased to hear that he is doing fairly well and that he received treatment so quickly.

justjill said...

Ah. Wonderful news. x

keth said...

keeping you both in my prayers. xxxx

Joan (Devon) said...

Is that the same as a TIA? The CHS was very lucky that his work mates found him and acted quickly. When I had a TIA in 2001 I wasn't so lucky with the treatment I received. Best wishes to you both and I hope CHS makes a quick recovery.

lynda said...

Sending my best....I hope he has a good and speedy recovery. Take care of yourself, and keep us posted please.

Unknown said...


Rambler said...

That's much better news regarding CHS; I hope his recovery continues well and he's soon able to return home. Love and Hugs for you (((((HUGS))))) xx

Sue said...

Oh thank goodness he was found and treated so promptly.

ann said...

I'm so sorry . what a terrible shock. Thank goodness he was found so quickly.
good luck with treatment and rehab. xx Ann

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