Wednesday, 3 October 2018


George's boat has finally been refloated with help from the boating community, money has been raised to help him, he was offered so many tents and sleeping bags he was thinking of opening his own branch of Millets.

Boaters are still left dealing with drunken stag do's.

Mind you some sober people are no better, someone on a hire boat hit my boat very hard a few days ago, she carried on going, no apology, nothing.

What she didn't bank on was me waling past her a while later as she was returning to her car. I offered to kick her car like she's hit my boat, until then I don't think it had occurred to her that I may have been upset by her behaviour.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I'm so pleased George is on the road to recovery. Good for you, people should be made to realise they can't get away with being thugs!

Hard up Hester said...

I had nothing to do with the recovery, apart from sending good wishes.

Theresa Y said...

Good news about George. Thanks for the update. They really need to have boat patrols. It sounds like people are out of control, and because there seems to be not consequences for their bad and destructive behavior they just keep being asses.

justjill said...

Pleased to hear about George. I have decided to have placards hung from my chariot/three wheeled walker. Saying PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR ENGINE, I HAVE DISEASED LUNGS AND YOUR EXHAUST FUMES ARE KILLING ME. Really pisses me off that so many people today do not think about others.

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...