Thursday, 11 October 2018


I'm still not blogging regularly, too much going on.

This week I'm cat sitting for DS, it means I get to use his washing machine, and I get to have a long hot shower, woo hoo.

CHS is having his shifts changed yet again, and they will change again after Christmas.

In other news, we have decided to sell our boat and buy...................... a bigger boat.


Eilidh said...

A bigger boat? On wow! Can't wait to go boat shopping with you :)

Anonymous said...

Oohh that is exciting news...can't wait for you to take us on that journey with you!

Boo to CHS's shifts getting buggered about with again :(

Catriona said...

Good for you. Enjoy your time on land.

justjill said...

Will it still fit where you go!?

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Is buying a boat easier then a house......Just thinking it may be my next choice!

The Weaver of Grass said...

What sort of shop sells bigger boats??

Margie from Toronto said...

I've been wanting to ask you to do an update on life onboard and how the reality has compared to your expectations. Are you looking for a longer narrowboat or are you changing to a barge (or just something a bit wider - I think there is something in between). Enjoy the hot water.

Rambler said...

Ooohhh that sounds exciting. I'm guessing the extra space will be very much appreciated and it maybe gives you more options when buying a cooker, heaters, etc. You'll be giddy with all the extra storage space!

TrishWish said...

I was watching one of those 70ft canal boats chug past us on the river the other day (we in or 12 ft open boat) and was thinking I could just not imagine stearing it myself and good job most of the rivers round here don't have many sharp bends. But it looked like it had more room on it than the average Uk retirement flat or bungalow!

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...