Saturday, 13 March 2021

Bobbing along

 It's very windy here and although the boat doesn't rock as much as our narrow boat did it still moves about a lot.

Our back ropes are tied quite tight so that we stay against the jetty, the front rope has more slack in it so it allows some movement.

The water is filled with twigs, branches and leaves and also with stuff people have left on top of their boat, gang planks and life rings. Our gang planks is chained in place and padlocked so it's still in place.

Last year we booked a weekend away in a lodge with a hot tub, it was cancelled because of covid. We booked again for November this year, a treat for my 70th birthday. Today the holiday company phoned to say it's been cancelled. Never mind!


50 and counting said...

What does the holiday company know about November that we don't?

Chris said...

Oh, that's too bad! Surely things will be back to normal by then.

Rambler said...

Unusual for a booking to be cancelled, especially when they have had such a bad year. Maybe they are unable to carry on; so many businesses have had to close.
Such a shame that you miss out on your holiday treat.
I cancelled my annual holiday last year, lost my money too, but I was scared to trust that it would be cleaned extra thoroughly and be Covid-free.

JanF said...

Oh, I am sorry to read that. I hope you will think of something equally fun to do!

lindsey said...

What a shame about your holiday. I can’t wait to have a weekend away but goodness knows when it will be. Northern Ireland seems to be a little behind England. Take care and stay safe 😷

The Love Of Nostalgia said...

Oh no how disappointing. Maybe they are worried they will have gone bust by then. It's very sad.

Debby said...

November is being canceled already? Amidst all the hopefulness with the new vaccine, this is very discouraging.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...