Sunday, 7 March 2021

Roast dinner

 I worked out that I have cooked in excess of 2300 roast dinners, I cook a roast every Sunday and have since I was in my 20's.

Today was no exception, pork for Steve and chicken breast for me. Beano also enjoys a roast dinner, though not much of his is roasted, he had boiled potato, broccoli and chicken.

Unfortunately something in the meal makes him fart and as he is a silent farter there is no advance warning, suddenly my eyes start to water and I am gasping for breath. Beano sleeps on, oblivious.


50 and counting said...

Those type of dog farts are known as "silent but deadly" in our house

Chris said...

No roast here - just leftovers. Oh, he's a sneaky one, that Beano. Is that how he got his name?

crafty cat corner said...

I have 5 cats but must say that they almost never seem to fart. My husband on the other hand is an expert. lol

savannah said...

Never,ever feed a dog brocolli. It's a good thing he's a little dog.
If he was a 100 bully dog,enclosed in the small area on your boat they'd have found you unconscious! Thank goodness your ok.

Sansthing said...

It´s the broccoli, fatal!

flis said...

Two of mine have colitis regularly so the stink is common here and in the car it's a bit strong x

mamasmercantile said...

He would be a good companion to my dog Mickey who is a prolific farter.

Lynda said...

It’s the broccoli!

LameWolf said...

Definitely the broccoli to blame. I'm a carer with a dog-sitting company.... ask me how I know for sure it's the broccoli. :-D
Would Beano accept carrots instead?

Hard up Hester said...

Unfortunately cooked broccoli is the only veg Beano will eat!

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...