Thursday, 4 March 2021

No idea

 I've no idea what day it is but it's grey and raining. 

Beano was cold/tired/unwell this morning, I've no idea which. He wouldn't leave the marina for his usual walk, he turned for home as soon as he could. Once home he crawled under his blanket, curled into a ball and went to sleep. He didn't want any breakfast.

But at 10:30 he perked up and decided he wanted a walk after all, we set off down the tow path where he met Peggy another boat dog and they chased around together, on our way back he met another friend Dylan and had another play. 

He still hasn't eaten his breakfast but he sometimes doesnt, mind you if I don't put breakfast down for him I get treated to the death stare until I do. He likes his breakfast to be there for him to ignore. He now seems perfectly fine, he's asleep on the sofa with Steve.

I've spent the morning checking up on various things, the hearing aids definitely arrived at audiology so I'll wait a few days more before I chase them. I've ordered some coffee from a narrow boat trader, their coffee is named after different canals so I've ordered Kennet and Avon and Oxford. I've also emailed the company I ordered a windlass harness from as it's not been despatched yet.

We were given half a bag of coal last week by someone who has put their boat up for sale, they spent a day preparing the boat for sale and decided the coal looked untidy on the back of the boat. So they asked if we wanted it, yes please, coal is always useful. I bought two more bags of coal this morning as it's still chilly and we need the stove on every day, a member of the marina staff delivered the coal not long after I paid for it. We still have plenty of logs. 

Steve wants ham, egg and chips this evening, I'll probably have a jacket potato as I'm not keen on chips or ham.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Wish I wasn't keen on chips - they are my downfall.

flis said...

I hope Beano is ok.My lily wasn't too keen to walk today but did eat x

Chris said...

Don't cook chips myself but will steal them off someone else's plate! Hope Beano perks up and regains his appetite.

mamasmercantile said...

I love chips, yummy! Hoping all is well with Beano.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...