Monday, 8 March 2021

What a disappointment

 I went to  dd1's today to collect my repaired hearing aid.

To my great disappointment although it has been re-tubed it hasn't been repaired, there was a note included staying that I was wearing the wrong hearing aid. 

For some reason the repair service have assumed it's Steve's hearing aid!

So it means sending it off again, which means another two or three weeks without being able to hear.

Steve's very annoyed, seems to think it's all my fault.

Despite being deaf himself he talks to me with his face turned away or covers his mouth with his hands which means I am unable to lipread.


JanF said...

That's frustrating as heck. My husband wears hearing aids but generally won't bother when we are home alone. i.e. most of the time these Covid days. When we go out he naturally gets bothered by having hearing aids, glasses AND a mask on. It's easy to dislodge and lose the hearing aid. Hope it doesn't take too long for yours to get sorted.

flis said...

Their mistake has even stressed me.I spoke to a lady today who said her husband who was standing nearby with their grandson-(she seemed frustrated as wouldn't wear his hearing aid)she"has to be his ears"-he had just retired and she was going to apply online for carers allowance-he wasn't bothered x

LameWolf said...

@JanF For that very reason, I made masks with elastic going round the back of my head.
It seemed to me that spectacles, behind-the-ear aids, and mask elastic was too much.

Hester, it must feel like banging your head against a brick wall at times.

mamasmercantile said...

What a disappointment, hopefully it won't be too long.

crafty cat corner said...

We finally found out that Tom has 'hyperacusis' and a hearing aid would not make any difference. It's very frustrating having to repeat everything several times and not worth talking to him unless he is looking at me, but we get by.

Ellen D. said...

The hearing place should have called you before sending it back if there were any questions! How frustrating!
Hearing loss hurts us socially, too, since it is difficult to hear when others are around or there are other noises nearby. I find myself not getting into conversations as much as I probably won't be able to understand a response. I remember this happening to my Mom as she got quieter and quieter at family gatherings. I wish there was an affordable cure for this...

lindsey said...

People who put their hand over their mouth are so annoying, especially when they know one is deaf. I have hearing aids but I’m aware that I lip read a great deal.crowds are another problem, of course.

The Weaver of Grass said...

You have my sympathy - I am very deaf indeed and live in fear of my hearing aids breaking during lockdown.

Anonymous said...

I've had similar problems since Christmas Firstly one ear was really blocked with wax and my GP said the NHS are just not doing this service at the moment. I am having to go into the office that I work as I can't do my job from home and its classed as an essential service so I asked my GP how he thought i could manage with severe hearing loss and a blocked ear. He told me to try syringing it myself and gave me (luckily for me I guess) but at 52 my first ever sick note for a whole month! I ended up paying privately to have it microsuctioned which has still not solved the problem and I'm having to go back. Meanwhile the private audiologist said he thought my hearing aids weren't doing a good enough job and I should go back to the NHS in case they needed a repair. It turns out when I retubed them I had tubed my left aid to the right mould without noticing. I felt a plonker but at least it was sorted out quickly as I was able to take the aid and wait outside for the repair. Then one aid conked out completely so I went back again and they insisted it was fine. I had to really stand my ground but I did get a replacement. Normally have little problems with wax and broken sides but typically it's sods law they play up in a pandemic. I can't complain about our local audiology dept even if it's only running a skeleton service due to being a major covid hospital for the area. Hearing people really don't understand how you depend on the aids though.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...