Sunday, 28 March 2021


 I saw this garden and just had to take a pic.


Debby said... each his own. I don't know...seems like there's not a lot of room for plants, though.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Think that's what you'd call 'busy'

Anonymous said...

That's a very busy garden!

Col said...

One of those times when less would definitely be more!
I know tastes vary, but honestly, tacky, tacky, tacky!

Siebrie said...

Everything you would put in a manor house garden, without the manor house :)

Debdor said...

Do you think they are trying to annoy the neighbours? It is so over the top!

Witch Hazel said...

That garden gave me such a broad smile. I wouldn't choose to do my garden that way, but it makes me happy that they have done it for theirs. Either they genuinely love it, in which case good on them for doing what they want regardless of whatever anyone else thinks; or, they've done it tongue in cheek, in which case good on them (and I'd love to know how it started.)

Witch Hazel said...
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Col said...

Siebrie and I must have very different ideas of what a Manor House is, as I've never seen any of that sort of tat in a Manor House garden! X

flis said...

Now That's what I call Classy x

Chris said...

I do like the big central tree - the rest not so much!

Siebrie said...

Col: potted plants, a bridge, a palm tree, statues, a clock, a rose arbour, ...

Col said...

Siebrie, Yeah, I agree that those things would possibly be in a Manor House garden, but none of them would be as totally tacky as anything in that particular outdoor space!

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...