Wednesday, 12 May 2021

A good trip.

Today started badly, Beano took a tumble, possibly in a rabbit hole and has been limping all day.

When we went to fill up with fresh water and empty the black water tank there was a boat moored on the water point. The maximum stopping time allowed for doing this is four hours but this boat had been there for two nights and wasn't intending on moving for a few more days yet.

This meant we had to go to a different pump out and had to pay £18. 

Because of this it was midday by the time we set off to our next mooring. Despite the hiccups the journey went smoothly and didn't take too long, our friends came along as crew, on Friday we will do the same for them.

There was plenty of room on the mooring and one of Beano's friends, Sparkle is moored nearby.

The afternoon was warm and sunny and we sat on the back deck until 6 o'clock chatting to passers by.

Beano's foot seems to be bothering him less now, hopefully it will be completely better by morning.


Col said...

Poor little Beano, I hope he's back to his normal, lunatic self today!
If the mooring time limit is four hours at a water point, how do people get away with mooring overnight and so on? Is this a case of no-one checking up on things? Surely the CRT should be ensuring that rules and regs are being adhered to!
I don't think I'm in any way patient or tolerant enough to live as you do, I'd have more than likely insisted that the boat moored on the water point moved on, as I had every right to gain access. Maybe a bandana, striped trousers, a hooped earring and a cutlass between my clenched teeth would have helped persuade them!
Take care, X

Diary of a Nobody said...

I agree why are you paying an annual licence fee if they cannot insure that their own rules are obeyed. When we had a boat on the canal many years ago my biggest aggravation was the fisher men , they sat like gnomes with their rods right across the water , or set up on lock landings and refused to move , I think you have more patience than me .

JanF said...

How selfish and rude of these people. I wonder, as did Col, how they get away with it. So that cost you an extra 18 pds out of pocket? Wasn't your husband livid?

Ellen D. said...

Glad the day got better! Hope tomorrow is pleasant!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...