Monday, 17 May 2021

What next

 We have had everything here today, heavy rain, blazing sunshine, hail, thunder and lightening. Dog walks have meant dodging the wet stuff.

We took our rubbish to the collection point, Steve wanted to stop at the cafe for a bacon butty but they weren't open despite the owner saying he'd definitely be open.

We will probably move tomorrow weather permitting, the river upstream from us is red boarded. The recent heavy rain has increased the flow and in some parts the water level has risen 12 inches.

It's DD2's birthday soon we've bought her a lawnmower and strimmer as a combined birthday/housewarming gift. I ordered it from B&Q via click and collect yesterday evening, she collected it this morning around 10ish.

Mickey the bodger has done a roaring trade in between the showers, he sells plants as well as his woodwork and this morning had to go out to collect more clematis plants.

Chris, there was no real plan to invest in BIL's business, he was visiting Steve occasionally after he'd had his stroke. He told us about one of his projects where he'd bought a large house in a large plot in an area that was popular with students. Students nowadays don't want grubby bedsits in dodgy areas so BIL planned to turn the property into apartments. The local planning dept were keen for there to be more student accommodation in the area to go with the new uni. Within weeks of him buying the first house he was approached by the owners of the nearby houses who also wanted to sell to him. This was all very well but there were seven properties in a row and BIL couldn't raise enough money to buy all of them. He asked if we'd be interested in buying one of the properties with him. All went swimmingly to start with but then lockdown meant that the work stopped for a while. No sooner were the places ready to sell than BIL was called for jury service. Fortunately his estate agent and solicitors will work evenings so every thing is bobbing along nicely and we will get our dividend later this year and then see if there are any more properties in the pipeline to reinvest in.


The Weaver of Grass said...

All sounds to be going swimmingly for you as we come out of lockdown.

Ellen D. said...

Do you have a storage place somewhere that holds any belongings that don't fit on your boat? I think of my house full of crap and wonder how I would reduce it all down to fit everything on a boat! I will have to downsize one of these years and wonder how I will manage!!

Chris said...

Thanks for the explanation. You are brave to go forward with this in these uncertain times.

JanF said...

It sounds as if you have a good investment with your BIL. Life is looking up, as Weave said! I am glad for you.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...