Saturday, 8 May 2021

More ramblings

 JanF, I bet that does cause some smiles.

It's Saturday, I've worked that much out.

Yesterday Steve had to put extra pins in to hold us steady, many boats were travelling way too fast.

It's raining today and due to rain all day.

I pity the poor hire boaters who are collecting their boats today.

Beano will only go out when absolutely necessary and then for the shortest possible time, his choice, not mine.

A lamb casserole is simmering on top of the log burner, it should be done by this evening.

I shall bottom out the bathroom once Steve has finished in there.

I quite fancy some cake so I might make one later, or I might buy a slice of carrot cake from the nearby cafe.

I've been offered space at a craft fair, well I say offered, in fact someone needs help filling a space, I need to wrack my brains for something to make. I have lots of stuff, fabric, yarn, beads, I just need ideas. I shall have wander around Pinterest this afternoon.

1 comment:

button said...

I made bowl cosies (YouTube). I use mine every morning for my porridge. I bought an ironing board cover from Home Bargains and fat quarters from my stash to make them. (I don’t put them in the microwave). They are brilliant for holding hot dishes.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...