Sunday, 9 May 2021


 Anonymous, I am unsure why you feel I should have reported something to the police that is being dealt with by social services. Also I did not say the boater was violent to the child. I have however frequently made reports to the police and social services when I believed someone was in danger. I have done this as a member of the public and as part of my child protection duties at work.

Button, I'll have a look in YouTube the bowl copies sound interesting.

Hugs Debby.


Anonymous said...

You said the children were subjected to a lifestyle of alcoholism and domestic violence. If I saw children being subjected to violence I would immediately ring the police regardless of whether the social services were involved. The police can attend quickly and stop violence from happening.

Thank you for the clarification - you obviously haven't seen anything yourself but are merely repeating something you've heard from someone else.

Col said...

Anonymous, Gosh it must be wonderful to be as absolutely perfect in every way as you think you are!
Hester is a lovely woman who has an enormous social conscience (you may have to look that up), and would immediately step in to help anyone in need or distress.
Would you please enlighten all of us as to just how quickly the Police (it should always be written with a Capital 'P', so you're not as clever and perfect as you think) can turn up to a canal boat? They would, of course, attend, but as for quickly, are you aware that it's not quite the same thing as driving to a house!
Now, why don't you pack up your poison and ill informed, nasty comments and piss right off!

Dog Lover said...

Well said Col

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...