Monday, 3 May 2021

Bank holiday Monday

We are no longer listing, we've moved the boat a few feet and we are now on the flat.

It has been cold all day and now it is windy and raining hard. I bought a bag of coal a few days ago and I'm so glad I did.

Beano days had three walks today of about two miles each and he is snoozing on the sofa now.

We had a meal out yesterday at a nearby pub, we met up with one of Steve's brothers and his girlfriend who we'd not met before, she seems very nice and I really enjoyed a meal I hadn't had to cook.

My hearing aid has been returned from audiology, yet again no repair has been done as the constant chiming is caused by wax in my ears!  This was the final straw, I've ordered private hearing aids. 

My ears were checked by an audiologist, I do not have wax in my ears. I was given a hearing test, I have moderate hearing loss in one ear and severe loss in the other. 

I have chosen to have rechargeable aids as I think that replacing the batteries will become more difficult as my eyesight deteriorates. The aids have Bluetooth so I can play music directly from my phone to my aids and I will be able to use a phone again. I have already downloaded the appropriate app and it will be set up when I collect my new aids in two weeks time. 

The aids are on 60 day trial and if I don't get on with them I will receive a full refund. They can be retuned as my hearing deteriorates and will last between five and eight years. The main reason for an upgrade would be because of improvements in technology. The audiologist told me there are aids coming online soon that will translate other languages. When he told me this I said "Oh like a babel fish." He laughed and said " Hitch Hikers Guide" he knew what I was talking about.

The aids cost almost £2000, and I think payment plans are available. Yes I could have bought cheaper ones but for me it's about quality of life and because I'm worth it!


Janet said...

Congratulations! You are worth it!

Hazel [witchhazel] said...

Sue, could I be cheeky and ask for a link for more info about the hearing aids you've chosen, please?

Heather said...

Absolutely, Hope you get on with them ok.

MargaretP said...

Good luck with your new hearing aids, a real game changer for you.
Damn right!! you're worth it, anyone who has married or had kids is worth anyything for years of putting others first and endless work hours.

Jaccs said...

At last some light at the end of the tunnel for you x

Sally said...

There's nothing wrong with paying to look after your health, including hearing and eyesight. People tend to think that if you go 'private' you somehow think you are better than them who stick with the NHS. I had a total hip replacement on my health insurance. You get people who say, 'Oh well, if you're rich you're OK' and things like 'One rule for the rich and another for the poor eh?' What they don't realise is, the cost of health insurance for a year is probably less than they pay for a two week holiday in the sun, but they don't tend to think foreign holidays are something they could do without to have peace of mind! I hope your hearing aids are all you hope them to be.

Poppy and Me said...

You are worth it. I was concerned about paying all that money but did what my daughters said and it's worth every penny. good luck with them. xVal

Sue said...

You are most definintely worth it!!

The cost if you think about it, when averaged out over the life of the aids and the value they are going to bring to your life is pretty small AND it's just the price of a single weeks holiday for some people.

shadypinesqltr said...

After much urging from me, a friend has finally bought a pair of hearing aids (USA, no insurance, almost $2000) and he can't believe how much he has been missing. He got Bluetooth so he can talk on his phone hands-free and hear through his aids. He is now upgrading to the rechargeable batteries model because the regular ones were dying on him too quickly. Good luck and happy hearing!

Debby said...

Hearing loss is SO isolating. You are worth it.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...