Wednesday 22 September 2021


Heather, we don't know if we will be allowed deliveries when we are in the marina, we will ask when we get there.

Lynda, My DD1 will only do long term fostering as she cannot face handing them back. She still has a 23 year old living with her, she started fostering him when he was 13.

I don't want to move back to dry land but I would love a residential mooring. Unfortunately they are a rare as hen's teeth round here.

Some pics of the horse drawn boat that operates along this stretch of the canal.


Lynda said...

Thanks for your reply! I can see I would end up with a house full of children!
Hope you get back to your long term mooring in good time..enjoy the autumn weather!

JanF said...

What a lovely photo of the horse drawn boat. We were on led by mules one a few years ago in Illinois. So relaxing!

Best off in my pocket.

I received an email from my solicitor saying they owed us £200. Money retained from when we purchased our flat. I've had it paid into my...