Saturday, 2 October 2021

Favourite child.

 Were you a favourite child?

Did you have a favourite child.

I was my father's favourite but not my mother's even though I'm an only child!

I was very lucky I didn't have a favourite child.

Once they were teenagers mine used to say that my favourite child was who ever hadn't pissed me off that day.

They all knew though that when they did something spectacularly stupid I'd always have their back.


Col said...

As an only child, I was definitely the favourite, our son is my favourite child, and his son is also the favourite child, and indeed, grandchild, but as our son and grandson are both also only children, it's not surprising.
However, my husband is also an only child, and like you, was not his parents favourite anything!
My mother in law was a very miserable woman, dissatisfied with her lot in life, even though she never had to work and had more money than she knew what to do with. There's none of the money left for my husband to inherit though, as father in law has spent almost every penny over the last twenty years, he's almost ninety two now and shows no signs of fading!
She told me that she only had a child because it was 'expected' of her, and that she hadn't ever really 'wanted' the child who grew up to be my husband!
Is it any wonder then, that when we met, he was emotionally stunted, and it took me years of showing him love to get him reacting normally to
ordinary, everyday happenings. It was worth it though, because he's just lovely, and we're celebrating thirty nine years together now!
I didn't think much of his mother though, and I made sure that apart from our Wedding and our son's Christening, my mother and his mother were never in the same room. If my mother had been allowed to tell his mother what she thought of her, there would have been fireworks, so........

crafty cat corner said...

My Brother was most definitely my Mums favourite. He was born at the beginning of the war and was with her on their own for the 6 years of the war until Dad came home. I was born in 1946 and not wanted by my Mum or my Brother. I still had a good childhood but until the day she died my Brother was the favourite even though he did nothing for her, visited her once a year and I did the lot. That's life...

ShellyC said...

My brother was the favorite one, a case of he stood up and the room lit up!
My poor sister the middle child carried all the donkey work with our parents as they grew older. Big brother continued to do not a lot for the aged parents only under duress.
Me the youngest, hit the road running at 18 moved away for Uni and work, barely went back, not that I was asked or wanted.
Always my brother this or that. My sister complained about, me, not a lot said either way.
Just my poor sister couldn't do right for doing wrong, but big brother was 'wonderful' not

Sue said...

My younger son (now 34) once asked which of my sons I liked best and I simply replied with a grin on my face "neither ... I don't like either of you". He never asked again ;-)

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...