Friday, 22 October 2021

First frost

We had the first frost of the year last night and the stove went out over night. It's no fun getting washed in cold water in an unheated bathroom.

Looking on the bright side, I no longer drive so I didn't have to scrape the car wind screen.

I'm on childcare duties today, not that it's any warmer here, DD2 doesn't have the heating on during the day and her back door is always open so her dog can go in and out.


Col said...

If you're cold at your D's, can you not pop the heating on for a while?
She's a lot younger than you and almost certainly feels the cold less than you do!
I understand the door being open for the dog, and there's no point in having heat on in a room with an open outside door, but does the dog not 'scratch' or in any other way let you know when he/she wants to go out?
You're not as young as you were, and need to be a bit warmer than youngsters!
Take care, Col X

Rambler said...

My home is like that - I don't put the heating on until 6'ish and turn it off again at 9pm. The back door is open all day for the dog but mainly for air to circulate unless it rains hard; I wear warm clothing, thermal camisole, jumper, sleeveless fleece and even fingerless gloves if necessary. The way that heating costs are rising, along with food prices, it's likely to be a tough old Winter.

Hard up Hester said...

Col yes I could put the heating on, she showed me how, but I'm warm enough with Two dogs on my lap.

Lynda said...

I used to visit my friend in the North and the door would be open for the dogs and the cold wind would blow in...and I would freeze. I started wearing silk long underwear when I visited! Now she’s older, she feels the cold, too, and the door is no longer open! It crazy to let the cold air IN the house...keep the doors shut to conserve what heat is already in! My dogs ask to go out....

My Piece of Earth said...

Our furnace has been turned on now for a couple of weeks, it is controlled by a thermostat and only comes on when it reaches below our set temp. We have not had a frost yet, which is quite unusual as in the past it has been early Sept. Global warming?
I feel the cold as I get older.

lindsey said...

It's at this time of year that I start to appreciate my hand knitted socks again. If my feet and neck are warm I find that it really helps. I agree with Ramble - it could be a tough winter.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...