Sunday, 31 October 2021


I intended to give the boat a good bottoming yesterday but DD2 offered to take me shopping. As it's half term two of the dgd's came too so shopping too longer than usual.

It's important for me to start the new year with a clean house, I don't always manage it but I've done my best. It helps that we're in the marina so I switched the immersion on so I had lots of hot water all day.

I've put clean sheets on the bed, washed all the throws and blankets, descaled the bathroom and cooked slow roasted beef. 

I'll vacuum through in the morning, better late than never!

Tonight I have my candles lit (battery ones) and I'm about to burn an offering and think of those who've gone before.

Thank you for the suggestion of getting audio books from a library, unfortunately as we are classed as No Fixed Abode we cannot join a library.


Witch Hazel said...

What about Audibke Sue?

Chris said...

A bit confused about your comment of starting a new year. Is this some ancient calendar I'm not aware of?

Hard up Hester said...

Chris, Samhain is the start on the new year in the pagan calender.

Witch Hazel, I was hoping for something cheaper or even free.

Cbsexec said...

Could your daughter join the library and you could sign in with their library card.

Ellen D. said...

I found this site and it looks like they offer free audiobooks, read and recorded by volunteers. Have you heard of LibriVox? They record books in the public domain so many are classics but they seem to have lots available and Free! Hope it works for you.

Diane said...

The Libby app is a library app for ebooks and audio books. I don’t think you you need a fixed location to use it. We have it in the US but I think it is also available in the UK.

ChickenMum said...

You can get audio books on YouTube for free if you have wifi

Jaccs said...

It feels really good when you have a good clean up, I’m glad you had a blitz, there are some good suggestions here regarding Audio books, I hope you find some outlets soon, I’m also getting Beano withdrawal symptoms, I haven’t seen a pic of his cuteness for ages, how does he like your cleaning blitzes lol?

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...