Sunday, 17 October 2021

What a trollop

We're in the marina it only took just over an hour.

There were new people on the next jetty, we had a chat and their little dog came over to greet Beano.

She is a small black rescue of indeterminate breed.

After greeting Beano she turned round and reversed into Beano cocking her leg until she was sat on his face!

Beano promptly mounted her, he's never done that before.

Fortunately they have both been neutered but neither of them seen to realise this.


Chris said...

Nature takes precedence over nurture in this case. Wish I'd been there to see it! Funny!!

flis said...

All 3 boys try to mount my lily-but she is not interested-she was sort of friendly with the previous dog but on her terms x

JanF said...

Interesting, I believe neutered rabbits do the same thing. O.K. if both enjoy a moment!

Sue said...

Oh well, at least it will be a bit of harmless fun :-)

lindsey said...


Amanda said...

My friends had a horse who whenever we got near mares would arch his neck and prance and snort - and the mares would hardly look because he was a gelding. Hope springs eternal!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...