Monday, 13 December 2021


Obviously we have a lot of ducks in the marina and a family of swans.

Yesterday the coots were squabbling, they were lovely to watch I'm pretty sure they were arguing over their conjugal rights though it's the wrong time of year. Maybe the mild weather confused them.

There are two herons on the marina, one sits on the same abandoned boat in the back pound all the the other the other chooses a different spot every day.

There are two flocks of sparrows and each flock has it's own preferred area, one flock is in the trees along drive,  the the other is in the trees on the grass that divides the pounds.

On windy days I love watching the crows, they fly above the trees getting blown and buffeted, they seem full of joy and enthusiasm, screaming and cawing at the battering wind.

There are always blackbirds in the undergrowth, sometimes a thrush. There are tits in the hedging. I can't see the small birds clearly now as they are gone too fast all apart from the robins they dig out worms and don't fly off.

1 comment:

Sue said...

And there was you yesterday saying you had nothing to talk about, this was lovely. We put some fat balls out for the little birds the other day and bloody great big seagull flew off with one almost immediately!!

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...