Thursday, 30 December 2021

Yet another grey wet day today.

Still it's not cold.

I went for a walk with another boater this afternoon, Beano was most confused as he's already had two long walks but he's always willing to go out.

Beano after three walks and a play with one of his doggie friends.

She misses walking her dog so comes along with me sometimes.

Today we got talking about food, her husband is very ill and eats very little. She asked what I was cooking this evening, gammon ,egg, chips and beans. I'd cooked a gammon joint yesterday, cut it in half, sliced one half and put t'other in the freezer. There's enough for sandwiches for a few days.

Still on the subject of food she finds bagged veg too much, as do I.   I offered her a couple of small parsnips and a handful of Brussels, she offered me a few lemons. We will share our veg from now on, we both hate waste. 


Chris said...

How wonderful to have such a compatible friend! Your idea of sharing vegetables is excellent. I never buy cauliflower or cabbage (or a cucumber for that matter) as they always go soft before I can finish them.

Ellen D. said...

Sharing food sounds like a good plan for both of you. Nice to have a walking buddy to visit with!

Debby said...

Sharing food is a wonderful idea!

My Piece of Earth said...

Sharing fruit and veg is a good idea, I did that with my DD1 just before Christmas, as one of my great grands school was selling bags of veg and fruit to raise funds for something at school. (Don't know what they spend our school tax on, but that is another subject.)
Happy New Year to you both, stay healthy and hope 2022 is good to you.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...