Tuesday, 28 December 2021


 Keth, I'll try that next.

JanF, no I didn't hint, I'm just very lucky.

Col I should imagine it would be extremely difficult to source experienced marina staff at short notice this close to Christmas.

We had visitors today, the couple we travelled with during the summer. They arrived mid morning and brought lunch with them.

We had a great catch up and made plans to meet up again soon.


Chris said...

Lovely! I am sure they enjoyed your company as much as you did theirs.

Marlane said...

Off topic but I thought you might like to read my blog It is about my memoirs, starting in about 1960 and my expediences with horses. It starts off in England. Here is the link let me know if it DOES NOT work http://picturepedigree.blogspot.com/

JanF said...

You were very lucky, also the folks who chose the gifts knew just what tot get you. Useful and nothing to clutter you up.
My friend just found fingerless mittens (with the little flap to cover when wanted) in cashmere, she gave them as a gift to someone who suffers dreadfully from cold hands ( similar to Reynauds Syndrome).

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...