Sunday, 26 December 2021

Thats it for another year..

My bread still resembles hockey pucks, I used to be able to make nice bread.

I've ordered some new yeast to see if that helps.

The grandchildren seem to have received their desired gifts. These included a dolls house, two guinea pigs and some painting by numbers sets made by a talented older sister.

I received two gifts, two pairs of fingerless gloves, I'm delighted with both of them.


Chris said...

Yes, definitely sounds like you need fresh yeast! Glad the grands liked their gifts.

Jaccs said...

I’m glad you liked your gloves, sometimes the little things are the best, did Beano get any pressies? I hope you had a nice Christmas, now it’s onwards and upwards to face challenges of a New Year, I hope it’s a successful and peaceful one x

Sue said...

Fingerless gloves are great for dog walkers aren't they. No struggling to pull off gloves when poo-picking ... or frozen hands if you don't wear any.

JanF said...

Fingerless gloves sound like the perfect gift for you, did you hint ?
Our only gifts were edible, which is our preference at this late stage in life. Now we are snowed in and likely to be here for several days at least, so that it all to the good. Lots of food and good cheeses.

flis said...

I had velour trousers and top with glitter stripes-not sure whether they are to lounge or to sleep in-I dog walked in mine with wellies and coat-also edibles-think I need the dreaded elastic waistband x

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...