Saturday, 18 December 2021


 I bet that confused you.

I know it's not Tuesday but Steve finally has an appointment on Tuesday to get his hearing aids repaired. The local audiology department closed down at the beginning of the first lockdown, we were told to send hearing aids in for repair by post. This proved expensive, £14 each time and the hearing aids had to be sent separately as Steve couldn't manage without them both.

The postal repair service was discontinued some time ago and there was no information on the website at all. Eventually after some months had passed the website was updated and  informed us that although some parts of audiology would reopen repairs could only be accessed via phone or email.

Very bloody useful!

The drop in repair clinic was always full of elderly people, most of whom were at unlikely to have email and if your aids don't work now can you make phone calls!

Steve sent an email and eventually received a reply, he has to go to a different hospital but fortunately it is on a bus route.


Chris said...

What a run-around! Hope it all works out on Tuesday. Keep us posted.

RunNRose said...

How funny, Made me laugh. Yes, it is a surprise to see a post named "Tuesday" on a Sunday. It isnt the first time you have shown that sense of humor. I appreciate it! Hope the hearing aids get fixed.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...