Wednesday, 31 August 2022


We are due some rain on Friday, the garden could really do with some. Steve  is watering the landlords garden every evening for him. I think they are due back on Friday.

I'm thinking of buying some blankets, the heating costs here are included in the rent but I don't want to run up a massive bill for the landlord. There are no curtains in the cottage so I'm a bit  worried about keeping warm.

Any blankets will come in useful in our new place too as we'll need the heating on less if we keep ourselves warm.

Monday, 29 August 2022

It's the little things.

A phone call from DD2 y'day morning, it's Reading Festival weekend here, she had taken her four children to the Festival every day but on the last day, her youngest Jojo was wiped out by the late nights and ask if she could stay with Nana and Steve.

We were delighted to have her come over, she was very quiet for the first hour but after a dinner of roast beef, roast potatoes, goodies and get she perked up no end.

It was so lovely to spend time with her she is an absolute joy.

Friday, 26 August 2022

Air fryer

 I've had my air fryer for a week but only got some baking parchment y'day. 

Yesterday I cooked some Cajun chicken in it, it was very successful.

Today is Friday, Steve has chicken and ribs on Friday, without fail!

They are pre cooked so only need heating up, the air fryer worked perfectly but Steve complained because I heated up the chicken first whereas he wanted the ribs first

All in all I'm very pleased with the air fryer so far, I have a gammon joint cooking in it at the moment.

Regaining myself.

I'm gradually recovering, Steve is finding it difficult.

He is convinced he was well enough to continue boat life, I was there, he wasn't!

He was finding life difficult and relied on me a lot, mainly for things I couldn't do, which gave him and excuse to moan.

We had four visitors yesterday, 

Chris who bought over two boxes that he's had in his car since we left the marina.

Rivers who arrived with some baking parchment that Jennie had purchased for me, this meant I could start using my air fryer.

Steve's friend Bob who had a job to do in Wokingham, he dropped by for coffee.

Jennie, who had dropped Rivers off at Reading Festival and was giving us a lift to the marina to sign some paperwork.

All in all a busy day as most days we see no-one.

This morning Steve has gone into town on the bus, allegedly it's to get me some Vit C tablets, actually it's to go to the pub and have lunch.

I'm going to vacuum the floor as I've been managing with a brush since we moved here.

I'm going to cook a gammon joint in my air fryer and try and decide what to make with the apples I've  collected.

I also need to work out a meal plan, Steve is becoming more and more limited on what he will eat and I'm determined to improve my diet.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022


I've tried to persuade him to join something but unfortunately he deems everyone else an idiot, so he refuses to join anything!

Wiped out

 I'm still feeling wiped out but I am improving slowly.

Steve still wants to move somewhere different!

Nowhere in particular, just somewhere different.

When I decided I'd had enough of living in the boat I gave him the option of staying, he chose not to!

Yes, money will be tight when we move but money has been tight before.

I'm entitled to claim more benefit which I will do once we've moved.

I will go back to shopping at Aldi and Lidl once we're settled too.

I really hope we can make a go of it.

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Catch up post.

The flat is just new to us Sue, it's in a listed building though out part isn't listed.

Steve has now decided he wants to buy a different flat, probably just because!

Or maybe we should rent a flat instead!

I'm sticking to my guns, I've spent a year longer than I should have living on a boat, trying to explain that was no longer coping.

I need some quality of life, some company and regular contact with my family.

Friday, 19 August 2022


The boat has been sold and tomorrow it will set off up the Thames to its new home.

We eventually reached an amicable agreement with the new owner and they have paid for the boat so they can set off tomorrow.

The surveyor caused a few problems as he claimed a few items were broken whereas they were simply turned off as the boat was moored up.

However everything was eventually sorted and the new owner paid their money and took possession.

All we have to do now is wait for our new flat to be ready.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Bloody cheek.

 I received an email today from Joe at the dry dock, he wanted to know when we were going to pay him for the work he's done!

It seems our prospective purchaser told him we were paying for the survey and the blacking.

Nothing is ever straightforward is it, we've spoken to the broker who is going to try and sort it all out for us.

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Sunday, 14 August 2022


I went to Specsavers originally as I wanted my hearing aids to have Bluetooth and RBH audiology wouldn't provide me with Bluetooth as I was past working age.

The Royal Berks audiologist diagnosed my vestibular schwanoma but he was overruled by a senior audiologist who claimed (without examining me) that I had blocked eustachian tubes, because they don't diagnose  vestibular schwanoma in patients over 60 years of age.

My Dr has tried to make me an appointment with audiology but has been unsuccessful. So I'm stuck with what I've got.

I am also going blind, so I plod on with what I've got and try to make the best of things.

Saturday, 13 August 2022

Settling in.

I went to Specsavers to get my hearing aids checked, there is nothing wrong with them so my hearing is deteriorating quite fast. I've already been told that they don't treat vestibular schwanoma in people of my age, so that's that then!

The Specsavers I went to is in a supermarket so I did some shopping, mainly kitchen utensils, fortunately there was a range of items available from £1 each so not too expensive. The flat is very well provisioned with crockery and cutlery by there is a shortage of kitchenware.

I'm sitting in the garden with Beano where it is a little cooler than indoors.

I have a Tesco delivery on Monday so I'll be well stocked then and now I no longer have a car a delivery is the best that ng.

I'm sitting outside in the garden as its cooler now, Beano is asleep at my feet, we are doing our best to keep him comfortable.

He is currently on the lead as the homeowners parents are staying and they own two small dogs, one of them isn't very friendly. He's not keen on being on the lead but it's only until Monday when the family set off on holiday.

They are away for two weeks we have offered to water the garden for them, assuming there isn't a hose pipe ban in place by then.

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Lazy day

 Steve went off yesterday to the boat, he had to move it this morning at 8am. I've had a couple of messages from him keeping me updated. He assumed he'd be on the boat for at least a week but has just confirmed that he'll be back this evening between 6 & 7. He wanted to stay on the boat until it was surveyed but that obviously wasn't feasible. I expect he will be wiped out by the time he gets home.

I've spent most of today either sitting on the sofa or snoozing in bed, I'm totally wiped out. It's probably a combination of the stress of moving so many times in just a few days, the heat and coping with Steve.

Sunday, 7 August 2022

A few weeks respite

I couldn't cope with the steep stairs in the first Airbnb so we have moved to a different one. This one is also a one bed but it's a renovated barn and it's huge, also We can have Beano with us, I was missing him badly.

It's costing us an arm and a leg but anything cheaper is too far away from Jennie and as she is doing out flat purchase for us we need to be near her.

We can stay here until mid December so I hope we can complete on our flat before then.

Monday, 1 August 2022

Ouch, I've got a stiffy

Finger that is, it's my index finger so I look like I'm admonishing someone. It would be worse if it was my middle finger. Steve...