Friday, 19 August 2022


The boat has been sold and tomorrow it will set off up the Thames to its new home.

We eventually reached an amicable agreement with the new owner and they have paid for the boat so they can set off tomorrow.

The surveyor caused a few problems as he claimed a few items were broken whereas they were simply turned off as the boat was moored up.

However everything was eventually sorted and the new owner paid their money and took possession.

All we have to do now is wait for our new flat to be ready.


Ellen D. said...

Congratulations! That is wonderful news. I hope you can get into your new flat before too long. Maybe you can relax a bit now.

Col said...

YAY! I'm so pleased that it's all done and dusted now!
It sounds as though the surveyor was a prat, is he not capable of flicking a damn switch to check whether things are not working, or just switched off for safety's sake?
Anyway, you can sleep peacefully tonight, knowing that all you have to do now is wait for your flat to be ready!
Another adventure awaits, life in not a house, or a boat, but a flat!
Take care, Col X

the veg artist said...

That must be a huge weight off your mind. Time to sit back and enjoy the lull now.

Catriona said...

What a relief! Fingers crossed for your new flat. Catriona

Jennyff said...

Start of a new chapter, well done so far. When we had our smart meter fitted the idiot fitter took the opportunity to condemn our gas fire. We don’t use it so it had no battery so wouldn’t work. He didn’t even mention he was checking it. Cost us a new battery and new test. If only these people were able to communicate.

Mindo said...

I’m so pleased for you! Here’s hoping you can relax a little with that task crossed off the list.

Moira said...

Great what a relief on to the next stage of your life. Wish you well.

lindsey said...

That’s very good news. I know what I think about the surveyor but would not dare to put it here! Best wishes for your next move x

Rambler said...

Wishing you all the best for your next move to your new home. Hopefully not too long to wait. Are you still waiting for the completion of the sale or are you having it decorated before moving in?

LameWolf said...

I wonder about the competency of a surveyor who can't tell the difference between "switched off because not currently needed" and "broken".
Ah, the end of an era; and the start of a new adventure. I do hope the flat is ready for you sooner rather than later.
My current canine guest, Harley, sends woofs'n'wags to Beano. :-D

JanF said...

This is really good news! Hope you settle happily into the new flat.

Cheryl said...

Congratulations, you must be exhausted.

Sue said...

That must be such a relief for you, well done.

Is it a brand new flat, or just a new-to-you flat? Either way it is going to be fantastic.

Lyssa Medana said...

The end of an era! Time to breathe.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...