Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Lazy day

 Steve went off yesterday to the boat, he had to move it this morning at 8am. I've had a couple of messages from him keeping me updated. He assumed he'd be on the boat for at least a week but has just confirmed that he'll be back this evening between 6 & 7. He wanted to stay on the boat until it was surveyed but that obviously wasn't feasible. I expect he will be wiped out by the time he gets home.

I've spent most of today either sitting on the sofa or snoozing in bed, I'm totally wiped out. It's probably a combination of the stress of moving so many times in just a few days, the heat and coping with Steve.


Ellen D. said...

I am glad you got some time to rest as you certainly deserve it! Hope things calm down while you wait for your next move...

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs. It sounds like the best time to recharge.

Col said...

Gosh, a whole day and night on your own, how wonderful!
I bet you're utterly knackered, this heat is enough to do anyone in, I'm doing nothing and I'm exhausted.
I don't imagine Steve is making your life any easier at the moment either, has he come to terms with having to be a landlubber again?
It'll soon pass, and you'll be in your flat and sorted, I would suggest a few days of doing absolutely nothing when you get into the flat, just rest, relax and catch up with yourself, you're that woman you keep seeing running past you!
Take heart, by Sunday night the temps may just have dropped a couple of degrees, yay! X

Cheryl Seaman said...

So glad you had a day off and were able to relax! Sounds like either has been in short supply! Sorry it will take so long to get into your new home but at least you have your fur baby back!

lindsey said...

This heat makes all of us feel exhausted. Take us much time as you need to have a little r & r. Best wishes x

Rambler said...

Your day of rest will be very beneficial to you after all that stressful moving and packing - and coping with Steve. I hope you made the most of it and just relaxed.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I hope your dog is doing well with all of the moving. It is nice that you were able to rest and relax today.

JanF said...

Rambler said exactly what I was planning to tell you. You deserve a break.

Col said...

Oooh, a load of comments have vanished into the ether!

Marjorie said...

Hugs. You are amazing. More hugs

Catriona said...

The heat is really exhausting just now so try to rest and hydrate as much as possible. Catriona

flis said...

You need to rest to recover and heal from everything - Don't push yourself -If it was me I'd just eat sleep and walk a bit x

Julia said...

Lordy - I know what you mean when it comes to coping with brain damage. My husband has a tumour and is changing subtly and quickly and it's exhausting when he says one thing, does another, asks for things constantly, then seems to be perfectly "normal". I am shattered - I have to get up with him several times in the night, which doesn't help. He's not yet 60 so awful. Congratulations coping with a move on top of everything.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...