Monday, 29 August 2022

It's the little things.

A phone call from DD2 y'day morning, it's Reading Festival weekend here, she had taken her four children to the Festival every day but on the last day, her youngest Jojo was wiped out by the late nights and ask if she could stay with Nana and Steve.

We were delighted to have her come over, she was very quiet for the first hour but after a dinner of roast beef, roast potatoes, goodies and get she perked up no end.

It was so lovely to spend time with her she is an absolute joy.


Chris said...

Lovely! Time with grandkids is so precious!

Marjorie said...

That is so lovely.

Catsngrams said...

Got to love those little ones.

Susan Heather said...

That is great. Hopefully now you are living on land there will be more visits like this.

Rambler said...

That sounds like a special day - and what a lovely meal I hope Steve appreciated it! Did he enjoy having the little one there? Maybe a chance of more interaction now that you're land-based and have more space. So good to read this.
- Rosemary x

Catriona said...

There’s nothing more uplifting than the unconfined joy of a small child-it sounds like you all had a super day. Catriona

Col said...

Did Steve appreciate that this visit would have been difficult, if not impossible to have arranged whilst you were still on the boat?
It will have done you a power of good to spend time with a small person, and someone who quite clearly appreciates your skills in the kitchen!
We're always shattered after our grandson's been here all day, but it's worth every sore muscle, he's given us both a whole new lease of life! We also sleep very well the nights after his visits!

Ellen D. said...

Sounds like a happy day! How nice!

Lyssa Medana said...

Sometimes Nana time is exactly what a kid needs. You are awesome!

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...