Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Bloody cheek.

 I received an email today from Joe at the dry dock, he wanted to know when we were going to pay him for the work he's done!

It seems our prospective purchaser told him we were paying for the survey and the blacking.

Nothing is ever straightforward is it, we've spoken to the broker who is going to try and sort it all out for us.


Lyssa Medana said...

Good luck!

No, nothing is ever straightforward. Sending all good vibes for this. It should be easy to clear up, so fingers crossed.

Ellen D. said...

Hope you don't have to pay. It will be good when the boat sale is done and you can look forward to your new place.

Chris said...

Hope this won't cause the deal you have made with the purchaser to fall through. Fingers crossed it goes ahead!

Catriona said...

Fingers crossed the deal goes through without you having to pay out more money. Hugs. Catriona

Rambler said...

I'd imagine a survey on a boat follows the same rules as a house survey - the would-be purchaser pays for the survey. So I hope this is sorted in your favour. As for the blacking - who asked for it to be done? If it wasn't you, then you shouldn't be liable to pay for it.
It's not sufficient for Joe to take someone else's word that you would be paying - he should have checked with you before starting the job. (I hope your hubby wasn't involved in the arrangement . . . . ???)

Sue said...

They must be first time boat buyers if they thought that the survey and blacking would be your responsibility ... or maybe they are just trying it on, so you are right 'Bloody Cheek!!'.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...