Friday, 26 August 2022

Regaining myself.

I'm gradually recovering, Steve is finding it difficult.

He is convinced he was well enough to continue boat life, I was there, he wasn't!

He was finding life difficult and relied on me a lot, mainly for things I couldn't do, which gave him and excuse to moan.

We had four visitors yesterday, 

Chris who bought over two boxes that he's had in his car since we left the marina.

Rivers who arrived with some baking parchment that Jennie had purchased for me, this meant I could start using my air fryer.

Steve's friend Bob who had a job to do in Wokingham, he dropped by for coffee.

Jennie, who had dropped Rivers off at Reading Festival and was giving us a lift to the marina to sign some paperwork.

All in all a busy day as most days we see no-one.

This morning Steve has gone into town on the bus, allegedly it's to get me some Vit C tablets, actually it's to go to the pub and have lunch.

I'm going to vacuum the floor as I've been managing with a brush since we moved here.

I'm going to cook a gammon joint in my air fryer and try and decide what to make with the apples I've  collected.

I also need to work out a meal plan, Steve is becoming more and more limited on what he will eat and I'm determined to improve my diet.


ShellyC said...

What is it people say, 'Keep calm and carry on'
You just have to dig your heels in and carve out a better stable life for the two you

Catriona said...

Well done on thinking about how you can improve your diet and hopefully should be easier now that you are on dry land. Pouring here at the moment so going to spend some time tidying up our electronic and paper files. Catriona

Andie M said...

I know it is hard for you at times with Steve. Try to ignore him and only sweat the big things. If you like the flat, well great. He will when he settles in and it seems to me that you are the only one actually organising and working, so be it. However, he has to listen to you. Be firm yet calm. I really hope that you are happy in your new home, when you move. Take care and love from Andie xxx

Ellen D. said...

I am glad you are settling into your new life and even had some visitors. That's nice. Steve complained on the boat too so you might as well live where you prefer and where you are safer. You certainly work hard to take good care of both of you.

Rambler said...

I have an air fryer and have never used baking parchment; won't it tend to catch fire? I put food in the pull-out pan and it's so easy to wipe clean afterwards. Kitchen towel to wipe, then wash as normal. Tonight - chicken thighs, frozen roast potatoes + veg in the microwave. Rarely use the oven any more!

lindsey said...

Sue, I’m not envious of your life at the moment! However, it will, I promise, get better. Apart from anything else it will give you more choices - places to go on public transport, friends and family to see, appointments etc. You are entitled to live where you will be happy and think that Steve will be, too. I shall be interested to hear how you get on with the air fryer so please do let us know. Be strong and best wishes from Northern Ireland x

Lyssa Medana said...

Hugs. It's not easy, but hopefully it will get easier.

Also, intrigued by air fryer.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...