Friday, 26 August 2022

Air fryer

 I've had my air fryer for a week but only got some baking parchment y'day. 

Yesterday I cooked some Cajun chicken in it, it was very successful.

Today is Friday, Steve has chicken and ribs on Friday, without fail!

They are pre cooked so only need heating up, the air fryer worked perfectly but Steve complained because I heated up the chicken first whereas he wanted the ribs first

All in all I'm very pleased with the air fryer so far, I have a gammon joint cooking in it at the moment.


busybusybeejay said...

Need to look into these.Any recommendations?

LameWolf said...

If you'd done the ribs first, he'd have complained that he wanted the chicken first. You can't win, you know this.
I'm pleased the air fryer is a success, anyway; it will make cooking easier for you, I'm sure (says she who has never used one, lol).

Anonymous said...

My mom always says, "some people would complain if you hung them with a new rope".

Catriona said...

Thinking about buying an air fryer. What kind do you have as I have read some good reviews and some not so good. Catriona

chinadogs said...

Air Fryers reviews - This BBC radio 4 programme discusses the pros and cons of air fryers

and the BBC Good Food review page that they talk about is here -

I had been sat on the fence about air fryers but this programme and review page convinced me that they so much cheaper than using the oven so I chose one based on their reviews. I chose a Cosori model (I picked the larger 5.5 litre size than the one they mention) and I absolutely love it.

You'll find dozens of Youtube videos demonstrating how they work and recipes to use in them

Angela said...

My younger daughter has one (a gift) and uses it a lot. She says it uses far less energy to cook thing like a small portion of oven chips! If we are all trying to use less energy, then they are definitely worth considering. Thanks for the post, and also to Chinadog for helpful link

Diary of a Nobody said...

I use my airfryer every day I love it , I am curious what you use the baking parchment for .

flis said...

I'm thinking about an alternative cooking appliance -I want to be able to cook chicken for my dogs-as I am worried about the gas price increases x

chinadogs said...

The baking parchment is a liner for the cooking basket. If you are cooking something with a sticky glaze etc it can get baked on so the paper will keep most of the goo off the basket.

I bought some parchment liners that are specifically made for air fryers as they have holes to help the airflow around the food

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Steve needs to start doing things for himself. Then he can have them just the way he likes. It seems all he cares about is Steve.
Sorry,it makes me mad that you are treated so badly.

Jessica said...

I love mine Dennis calls it Gandalf the Wizard. I've made in addition to the usual things shepherd's pie and apple crumble in it also spiced chickpeas as a snack.

Col said...

Are you aware that the person Steve is now, is due to the fact that he had a stroke which changed his personality?
He's not demanding by choice, his brain no longer functions 100% as it should. He's not capable of doing everything for himself, just so that he can have everything 'just the way he likes'.
I've been a friend of 'Hester' for a long time and I'm sure she doesn't need to hear people who won't even give their name 'dissing' her husband.
Perhaps if you understood more about his medical history, you could be more understanding.
He does not deliberately treat 'Hester' badly, he cannot help his behaviour!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...